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Adeel Arshad

Authored on 24 January 2024 by Adeel Arshad,

Reviewed 24 January 2024 by Dr Ruch Karunadasa.

What is Jock Itch/Intertrigo?

Jock itch is the common term for an itchy rash in the groin that often affects the inner thighs and surrounding skin, including the scrotum in men.

Intertrigo is the medical term for a rash in the folds of overlapping skin. Sweating, friction/abrasion, tight clothes, and direct rubbing of skin on the skin are all connected with jock itch.

The rash may affect not only the groin but any areas of skin that overlap, such as around the anus, under the breasts and in the skin folds of obese people. Although it is typically painful and bothersome, jock itch is rarely serious. Jock itch affects men and even women all over the world.

It is a common problem among male athletes, hence the name. But you don't have to be a guy or play a sport to get affected by this condition.

Major risk factors that might contribute to jock itch include:

  • Tight clothing
  • Humidity
  • Heat
  • Damp skin folds that may occur with obesity or excessive sweating

Jock itch typically begins with a reddish region of skin in the groin crease. It frequently spreads in a half-moon form to the upper thigh. The rash could be ring-shaped and surrounded by a line of tiny blisters. It could burn or itch, and the skin could be flaky or scaly.

If your rash is painful, or you develop a fever, you need to consult a doctor. Also, consult a doctor if the rash does not improve after a week of treatment or if it does not clear up entirely after three weeks.

Treatment of Jock Itch/Intertrigo

If you are suffering from jock itch or intertrigo, there are some home remedies you can try before opting for pharmaceutical products.

Home Remedies for Jock Itch

In most cases, you may treat jock itch or intertrigo at home using a variety of products. To get rid of it, try the following remedies.

  • To treat the affected region, use an over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal cream, powder, or spray
  • Change your clothes and underwear every day
  • Wear loose, comfortable cotton clothing
  • After showering and exercising, properly dry the affected area
  • Wash the infected area thoroughly with soap and warm water
  • Treat any additional fungal infections, such as athlete's foot

Prescribed Treatments for Jock Itch

If you use over-the-counter medications or employ home treatments for jock itch and your symptoms do not improve, one of our team of doctors at PrivateDoc may prescribe something stronger. Topical and oral medicines are two alternatives.

Topical medications include Oxiconazole (Oxistat) or Econazole (Ecoza), in some cases a cream called Trimovate can be helpful, while oral medications can include Fluconazole (Diflucan) or Itraconazole (Sporanox).

Side effects of oral antifungal medicines include upset stomach and headaches. If you have any of these adverse effects, a consultation with PrivateDoc's skin diagnosis service can help.

Prevention of Jock Itch/Intertrigo

There are various strategies to lessen your chances of getting jock itch, including:

  • Maintain good hygiene. Hand washing regularly can considerably lower your chances of contracting this infection. It is also critical to keep your skin clean and dry, particularly around the groin.
  • Wash the groin region with soap regularly, and thoroughly dry it after bathing. Applying baby powder around your groin might also help to keep excess wetness at bay.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing. Tight clothing can irritate or chafe your skin, making you more prone to jock itch. Instead of boxer briefs, you may consider wearing boxer shorts. Wearing loose clothing in hot or humid weather can also prevent sweating and the warm, moist environment in which fungus thrives. Make sure to wash any training clothes or athletic supporters after each use.
  • Seek treatment as soon as possible if you have an athlete's foot. Jock itch is caused by the same fungus that causes the athlete's foot. You can also avoid spreading it to your groin by not using the same towel on both your foot and your groin.

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Frequently asked questions about Intertrigo

  • What is the fastest way to cure jock itch?

    The quickest approach to treat jock itch is with an over-the-counter or prescription antifungal cream, ointment, gel, spray, or powder. In more severe cases, In more severe cases, a consultation with one of the PrivateDoc doctors may result in being prescribed a stronger antifungal medication to cure jock itch.

    It is also critical to keep the region clean, dry, and cold for a speedier recovery.

  • How soon after treatment will I feel better?

    Your jock itch should go away in one to eight weeks if properly diagnosed and treated. Also, be sure to follow your healthcare provider's instructions.

    It is also critical to complete your entire course of medication. Itching and discomfort will diminish during the early phases of recovery. You may still have jock itch even if your symptoms are gone. If you do not finish your entire course of medication, your jock itch may return and can be more difficult to treat.

  • Can rubbing alcohol cure jock itch?

    Mild jock itch may be relieved by rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol can help prevent or inhibit fungal growth on the skin's surface. However, rubbing alcohol can cause your skin to become dry and tight, as well as aggravate irritation. You should never use rubbing alcohol on broken or raw skin.

  • Do only athletes get jock itch?

    The term "jock itch" may convey the impression that the condition primarily occurs in athletes, however, it can affect anyone. Overweight people are more likely to have jock itch because the fungus can develop in skin folds that are prone to sweating.

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